You have two good choices when you’re in an unhappy relationship.

Stay. Or go.

The only bad choice is to make a decision without enough information.

Hi, I’m Steve.

I created this.

A few years ago my marriage went sideways, and my ex and I both knew it, and we went through therapy and other avenues and ultimately made what we thought was the best decision, but was actually a horrible mistake: We stayed together.


The Book

F*** It. Get A Divorce. The Guide for Optimists (FIGAD) is a smart, insightful guide for anyone in a marriage or long-term relationship contemplating a divorce or breakup. FIGAD provides an optimistic roadmap for the divorce-curious, offering tangible resources and exercises for self-assessment and reflection. Steve engages readers with cool humor and offers relevant and timeless wisdom on beginning again and a fresh, modern take on marriage, history, religion, spirituality and tradition. Armed with tools to navigate the divorce landscape, readers will walk away with a sense of empowerment to make the decision that’s best for them.

The Course

F*** It. Get A Divorce is designed to get you information in safety, privacy and comfort. You’re not required to do anything… except think, and take a few deep breaths, and gain a little helpful knowledge. From the emotional rollercoaster side of things, to the many logistical and practical considerations that may arise. 6 Segments, divided into 15 Modules, each with Interactive Exercises and Worksheets. Designed to help you weigh your options, as well as work through the most common emotional and practical issues of making this life shifting decision. Stay? Or go?
All Modules and Exercises come in a multiple formats. Read the material on screen, or PDFs, or even in a high-quality paperback book (included free when you buy the Course.) Or listen to the Modules as podcasts, on your computer or phone. Or watch the Modules as videos. Mix and match if you like. Enjoy one Module as a video and another as reading. Repeat Modules if you like. Go in any order. It’s all up to you.

Want to find out why we think so? Here’s what you’ll find inside:

  • 15 Modules with accompanying Interactive Exercises and downloadable Worksheets
  • Modules and exercises available as video, podcast audio and texts (on-screen and downloadable)
  • Complimentary copy of the paperback book with your choice Standard or Incognito cover





Staying in an unhappy relationship is a choice.

Maybe a good one. Maybe not.

But it’s almost never the only choice.




Customer Praise

“Steve Kane does a masterful job of showing that divorce does not have to be viewed as full-on failure. He reminds us of things that many of us know, but can easily forget due to outside pressures: 1. We should find a path to joy in our lives — and this path may require us to divorce our spouse, 2. Ending a marriage does not mean the end of family — there are many ways to be a family, 3. Ending a marriage does not have to be a “fight to the death” between the two parties, 4. if you manage your divorce with kindness and love, your kids will come out just fine.


This is a VERY DIFFERENT kind of “marriage” program — and a very welcome new perspective.”

“I highly recommend this program to anyone even remotely considering getting a divorce. It is a very practical and thoughtful guide to “consciously uncoupling” in as elegant and pain-free a manner as possible. From the title alone you know the author is blunt, funny, and bright. The program does not disappoint and I’d like to suggest makes a great gift (sent anonymously!) for anyone you know considering divorce.”

“This helped. Thank you Steven Kane. If you’re going through something, or might be going through something — I literally cannot recommend a better resource that is honest, raw, and smart. Buy this program.”

“An authentic, extremely well-written guide to a “scary” life event that ranks right up there with the birth of kids, the loss of a job and the death of loved ones. Here we gain a fresh, witty, hard-won perspective on how divorce can be healthy — how it can ultimately be a good/positive thing — for ALL involved. How many friends have you had who remain trapped in debilitating unhappiness for all the wrong reasons? “What will people think?” “What will happen to the family?” That’s the F-it part of this book … that’s the noise this book helps you cancel. If you or anyone you know is unhappy enough to consider divorce, Kane helps you cut through the clutter and find your way — and your spouse’s way, and your kids’ way — to a better, healthier place.”

“I happened to discover this program browsing and the title and images clearly garnered my attention ;-). It’s interesting as a divorcee, I decided to make the purchase. The reason is simple. I’ve often struggled with my, our divorce. It’s been the old “should have, would have, could have” mindset that has kept me from truly letting go for more years than I care to admit. Steve Kane’s honest and thoughtful approach and insights to dealing head on with one of the most difficult decisions we make in our lifetime has given me a surprisingly fresh perspective. I’m beginning to lighten up and accept the fact that was the right path. Thank you Steve!!!!!”